Blood Relations Page 16
Pointing around him she grinned. “I need to get to my seat,” she said, pointing at the two empty ones in front of him. God she had an accent. Surely he’d missed it earlier. They really do have black folks in England, he pondered.
Clearing his throat quickly Reggie sat allowing her to pass. “Ohhh. My bad!”
She grinned and slid into her seat only to turn around on her knees over the seat in front of him. All Reggie could see were her breasts and cleavage pressing against the seat while she spoke.
“I hope I don’t get some stinky old man sitting next to me,” she said, giggling playfully.
“I’ll move up there if you want,” Junior answered quickly, surprisingly able to hear her without taking out his ear buds this time.
Reggie noticed that right away. “She don’t want your stank ass up next to her either,” he grumbled.
She giggled. “Maybe I do ... a stank ass is better than a stank attitude.”
“Ohhh, burrrn,” Junior said, covering his mouth and raising his knee up while cracking up. The girl laughed too. Just then her cell phone jingled. She dug deep into the pocket of her tight jeans. All Reggie could see was her breasts—bouncing.
“Hey Mommy,” she said, tossing her mane over her shoulder. She glanced up at Reggie and Junior. “No, I’m comfortable. I got good seats.” She spoke with flirt in her voice. “No Mommy, no man ... and I really hope one doesn’t sit by me. I spoke with the attendant about it and so I hope they remember who I’m supposed to sit next to. Yes, Mommy, yes, I’ll be good.” She hung up.
“You shouldn’t have told Mommy that lie,” Reggie flirted.
“Don’t know whatever you mean,” she smarted off.
Just then a slender, sharply dressed man with fresh clean looking dreads sat across from her. He smiled at her and then at Reggie and Junior. “Train is crowded today,” he said, starting conversation. “Lots of kids on here,” he added. “Not many parents.”
“Well, I’m over eighteen,” she answered, as if he had asked a question.
“Just a baby,” he said leaning his head back and closing his eyes as if he wanted to tune them out before they even got rolling—which was fine by Reggie.
“I’m on my way to college,” she added, settling into her seat, again answering an unasked question.
“Which college?” the man asked her.
“Pardon?” she asked.
He repeated the question.
“University of Oregon,” she answered. Reggie’s stomach tightened.
“Me too,” he yelped, catching the man’s attention. He then pointed at Junior. “Us too ... We’re going up to look it over.”
“Sweet,” the girl joined in.
Reggie grinned now, not even trying to fight it. Junior just leaned back and closed his eyes, letting his music take him away.
“British?” the man asked, again being nosy—in Reggie’s opinion.
“No, South African,” she answered. Reggie perked up. He’d never really met anyone from Africa before.
“Interesting. What brings you to America?”
“My father’s work,” she answered. The man nodded and leaned his head back.
The train began moving slowly, on its way to the next stop. The attendant then started through the coach, double checking seating, making sure everyone was where they belonged.
Chapter 45
Juanita rambled from the moment they got their ticket. Chance wasn’t sure if she was genuinely concerned about Rashawn, trying to avoid conversation about Junior, or truly just nervous about the puddle jump from SFO to PDX. If forced to admit it, Chance would have to confess he wasn’t a big fan of flying either. But first class was something he could definitely get used to. Getting the tickets was nothing for Ovan who flashed his Secret Service badge. Who was this guy? One minute he was a glorified bounty hunter, the next, Super Spy.
From the airport they would have to drive south to catch the train head on. Nonetheless it would be faster than attempting to get through the snow headed north from California.
Chance missed Rashawn like crazy. But the vision of her in ICU, and knowing that Roman was behind it kept him focused. Ta’Rae had called to assure him that Rashawn was doing all right. “She keeps asking for Reggie.”
“I’ll have Reggie by morning. Promise her that,” he committed. “How is Rainey?”
“She’s doing okay. Carlotta has her—they left,” Ta’Rae told him. “Rita is about to take off too. We’re gonna look in one more time and then both of us head home. There is nothing more we can do but wait for her to improve.”
“Chance, can you tell me what’s really going on? We haven’t called Shelby and it’s driving me nuts to keep her in the dark this way. Can you fill me in?”
“I can’t talk about it all right now. It’s just ...” Chance paused to sigh heavily.
“I had a feeling it was bad.” Ta’Rae sighed. “Please just let us know immediately if you find Reggie okay. Are the police involved?”
“Yes and no. Look Ta’Rae, just trust me on this and stay close to the situation there with Rasahwn. Let her know I love her and I’m fixing everything. I’m going to find our son.”
“She knows that Chance. I know that, hell, we all do.”
Hanging up his cell phone, Chance noticed Juanita staring at him. She’d been listening. Her eyes were red and filled with regret. She quickly turned back to Ovan and as quickly as a light switch went back to babbling aimlessly. Chance had to figure it was how she fought her true emotions—by covering them up with empty banter. “So when Chance and I got divorced it was hard to keep my practice at first, you know, I needed to raise our son and have, you know, money, so,” Juanita’s words brought him back. She was actually talking as if it hadn’t come to light that Junior was not his son. He looked around her at Ovan whose eyes were all but glazed over from the information overload he’d been getting dosed with. His expression cleared for a second as they caught each other’s eyes. The men’s eyes read “total understanding” where Juanita’s crazy behind was concerned. Ovan then accepted a stiff drink from the flight attendant. They were about to start the taxi and so service had come quickly for first class.
“So how long were you two married,” Ovan asked Chance downing his drink in one gulp.
“Together or married,” Juanita interrupted the answer. “I mean, we were soooo really good together it’s hard to say. When two people just can’t get over one another—”
“Nita,” Chance said calmly, touching her hand that gripped the arm rest. “Junior is going to be all right. Rashawn is holding her own ... and we’re gonna find the boys. You should close your eyes for the rest of the flight and relax.”
“But ...” she began to protest, only to have Chance run his palm lightly down the front of her face.
“Just close your whole face. I’m sure they are going to come around one more time for service before we take off. I mean, this is first class, order a drink. Check your nerves,” Chance said to her.
Juanita’s eyes welled up with tears. “See, that’s why I love you, Chance. You are such a good man,” she simpered, squeezing his arm and then as if undecided on which man she really had feeling for, she suddenly squeezed Ovan’s arm too. “You’re a good man too ...” she said before throwing her head back against the seat and tightly closing her eyes. “Oh God!” she cried out. At the moment the men could only see each other, Ovan’s eyes widened and then crossed. Chance nodded in full agreement.
Chapter 46
Before long, the girl rose up in the seat again and turned around. Reggie noticed the man across from them eying her. He grew jealous. He had no idea he had such a possessive nature but then again, short of asking Sandy Banks out a couple of times—Sandy being the most popular girl in school—his jealous side had not been tested much. “Hey, he doesn’t look old enough to be looking at a university.” She pointed at Junior who didn’t seem to notice her talking.
“He’s not
, he’s only fifteen but we got shanghaied into this little togetherness trip by my mother,” Reggie said, making quotation marks around the word “togetherness.” “But it’s all good. He’s a good kid.”
“You sound like he’s your pet.” She giggled, sending Reggie’s heart into overdrive. “I don’t have any siblings so I don’t actually feel your pain but I can only imagine. By the way, my name is Julia,” she introduced reaching out her soft hand for Reggie to take hold.
“Nice to meet you,” he said.
She grinned. “Say, do you know which way the food coach is?” she asked. Junior, who normally responded to the word “food,” continued lay with his head against the seat and his eyes closed.
“Nah, but I’ll look for it with you.” Reggie started to rise but the nosy mystery man was too quick for him.
“I was just headed that way. What do you want? I’ll bring it back.” His offering hit Reggie and the girl a bit strangely and they looked at each other, accepting the odd moment that the offering had created.
“Uhhhh, no,” she giggled nervously. “I’ll just follow you,” she agreed. He shrugged, leading the way. Turning back to Reggie she shrugged and let the man lead the way out of the car through the doors that opened with the push of his large hands against the “open” pad. The noise of the locomotion could be heard as they stepped inbetween the cars before the door slid shut. The man was saying something to the girl. Reggie only wished he knew what.
“Better go get ya girl,” Junior teased now, slapping Reggie’s leg, motioning him to move it so he could get out of the seat. He was planning to dig around in his snack bag.
As much as Reggie knew Junior was just jeering him, he actually did want to follow them. Something about that guy didn’t set well with him. “Maybe I will go get a soda or something,” Reggie said, pulling himself from the seat.
“No need. If it’s really food you want, I gotcha covered, Bro,” Junior said, standing up and digging around in the bad, tossing Reggie a juice box. “Got more if ya wanna.”
Reggie, unable to come up with another excuse to follow the girl and the weird guy, just sat back and tried to get over it. What was he thinking anyway going after a girl like that? Sure, she was cute but that was all he knew about her. Maybe she dug old guys. There was nothing worse than making a fool of himself over a girl who wasn’t even interested. Here he was trying to be gallant and perhaps she was right where she wanted to be.
“Do you think they miss us yet?” Junior asked sliding in over Reggie’s long legs with a bag of chips and drink box in his hands, bringing Reggie’s mind back to the reality. The reality that they were both technically runaways. Neither boy wore a watch but Reggie could only figure it was about midnight by now. They’d been riding for a long time.
“I’m sure they might have figured it out. Not sure, with Mom gone and your mom kinda ... you know.”
“Yeah, clueless, you can say it.”
“Yeah ... well, Chance would have to be the one to start a ruckus and you know how passive he is. He’s probably still just thinking one of us is gonna call in.”
“So, you think they won’t figure it out for a while yet, huh?”
“Nah, not for a while.”
Junior smiled and nodded. His expression bore with it, a little sadness, maybe even some regret. He stared out the window. Reggie felt bad for him suddenly. Junior seemed to want so badly to fit in with him and his family. He wanted to belong—and bring his mom along, too. But that would never work. First of all, his mom hated Juanita, and secondly Chance couldn’t possibly be his real father, so in reality there was nothing truly relating Junior with him ... nothing.
Downing his juice box in one strong suck on the straw, Reggie stuck the empty box in the back of the seat in front of him and laid his head back, closing his eyes.
“Maybe we should call and tell them we’re at a friend’s,” Junior suggested as if on an impulse.
Reggie was glad one of them finally spoke up. He had been kinda thinking on the same lines. “You put my phone in my bag?” “No, it’s in mine.” “Then forget it. I’m not digging around that bag until we eat it down some.” Junior thought about it and then laughed.
Chapter 47
Roman couldn’t believe Ovan Dominguez was still so persistent. He’s underestimated him. Seeing him at the airport told him as much. But then again, it wasn’t as if he’d really shaken him in London, or any of this stops along the way back to America. Ovan was truly becoming an opponent. Ovan was still in pursuit and had gathered an American team to help him. “Peter Pan is growing up—realizing that it takes more than a little magic dust, a pixie, and a fancy car to catch me.” Roman then called Hap but got no answer. “All I know is that idiot better have my son with him by now,” Roman growled through his gritted teeth thinking of Hap in addition to actually realizing Ovan’s new strategy. The time wasted, catching the cab to the airport and then catching it back to his hotel had put him in a foul mood. “And what were Chance Davis and Juanita doing there?” Roman asked. He’d seen Ovan, his partner Maravel—he remembered her from London—a couple of clearly obvious cops and none other than Chance Davis and Juanita Duncan.
“And what does Chance think he’s going to do . . . kill me? He should be with his wife!” Roman added, between sips of water. He’d taken his kidney medication. Time was running out. He could feel it. His body was not responding to the medication any more. He needed a new kidney. Dialysis was not the answer for him and Dr. Lipton was a fool for even suggesting it. Perhaps if Rashawn hadn’t been in such a hurry to murder Blain he would have had his donor and wouldn’t have needed Reggie this way. “So in reality this is your fault, all of it,” he said to her picture—the one he carried with him everywhere. She still had his heart, he wanted to deny but he couldn’t. In a very sick and disturbing way—he still loved her. Maybe that was why he ran her off the road—if he was to die she would have to die too. They would be together forever, for the better or worse. It was karma ... their lot ... their destiny. Sort of like his mother and father’s. After his father was executed for killing Blain’s father, Roman’s mother committed suicide.
Roman would have gone to the hospital to be by her side—to watch her die—had it not been for her family being there. “Something is always coming between us my beloved. But nothing can truly keep us apart—not for long, anyway.”
He called the hospital but could get no answers regarding her condition but in that non-answer he got an actual answer ... she was still alive.
Throwing he picture into his garment bag he loaded his car and started for the hospital. He wanted to see her once more.
Chapter 48
“Why didn’t Rashawn call me to tell me that Reggie was coming? What’s really going on?” Shelby asked. “Carlotta said, Rashawn decided to drive to Arizona at the last minute. None of this sounds right ... and how come I can’t reach Rashawn by phone?”
Chance held onto his lie. “Nothing is wrong, Shelby. She’s on her way to Trina’s place for the week and forgot to call.”
“My sister would not have forgotten to call. She’s too much of a control freak for that.”
“Now, now, Shelby, Rashawn is working on that.”
“Hmmph. Yeah right.” Shelby laughed. “Well I’m still surprised she let the boys come alone, but sure I’ll be there tomorrow to pick them up no problem. Around two ya say?”
“Yeah, around two,” Chance said, pacing with the cell phone outside of the airport, while Ovan commandeered a rental car. They were about to start their backward trek to meet the train. By putting Shelby on alert they would have her at the Eugene train station just in case the boys actually made it all the way to Eugene. They couldn’t take a chance not having all their bases covered.
“So she’s at Trina’s?” Shelby asked again, sounding suspicious.
“Yes. Yes she is,” Chance answered quickly.
“We got the car,” Juanita blurted.
“Who is that?” Shelby asked.
Chance covered the mouthpiece quickly and then uncovering it to answer. “Nobody.”
“It was somebody—somebody female. And it’s what, midnight? Who was that?” Shelby asked, sounding just like Rashawn—suspicious of everything.
“Nobody I know,” Chance said, fanning his hand at Juanita to be quiet. “I’m at the all-night market picking up a snack.”
“Still don’t know why she couldn’t call me. But okay Mr. ‘Head of the House Taking care of the Business Out in the Middle of the Night Getting Snacks. I’ll be there tomorrow.”
“Great thanks,” he said hanging up quickly.
“Sorry,” Juanita said, uncovering her mouth.
“Did you get your sister-in-law to pick them up?” Ovan asked.
“Good because if we’re wrong and they actually go to Eugene, someone will need to be there to meet those boys and thwart Hap and Allen Roman. Your sister-in-law is like a third hand for us.”
“Got cha. Oh I need to call Trina. I’m sure Shelby hung up and called her.”